Los descendientes del Dresden: News Published with names of Immigrants from the SS Dresden Google+

Wednesday 21 May 2014

News Published with names of Immigrants from the SS Dresden

Following you will find some notes published in different newspapers of those days that mention the names of the immigrants that came in the SS Dresden.
I hope this could be useful for the descendants that are looking for their relatives, to have a new clue on their investigations.
Best wishes,



Feb. 20th 1889 - The Standard
NOTICE: The Irish Immigrants: The following parties, married couples, seek situations as follows:
  • John Maher coachman
  • Mary cook
  • Thomas Byrne coachman
  • Mrs. Cook
  • James McCelean groom
  • John Fitzgerald gas-fitter
  • Wife cook
  • William Moore coachman
  • Wife cook
  • John O’Neil indoor servant
  • Wife general servant 
Applications for above to be made at the British Immigration Office, 365 Calle Reconquista


Mar. 15th 1889 - The Southern Cross

General News I: If Mary Cahill will communicate with her parents, Colonia Irlandesa, Naposta, F.C.S., it will be a comfort to them. They have lost her address.

General News II: We have received letters from the Irish Colony for the following persons: Theresa Bushe care of Mres Jones, Bridget O’Brien c/o Robert Narrel, Bertie c/o Vicomte R. de Bondy, G.S. Tatton, Katie Cronin c/o Mr. Anthonev, Katie O’Regan c/o Mr. Fuchs, Miss Hannah Cronin c/o Sra. R. Moliana de Olivera, Alice Mulcahy c/o George J. W. Buston, Caroline Gainey c/o Mr. V.L. Segui, Patrick Watson c/o Cosmos Club, Hugo Somers, Frank Gardiner.


Mar. 22th, 1889 - The Southern Cross

General Items: We heard yesterday of a shocking affair that demands strict explanation by the authorities. On Sunday morning Annie Murphy, an Irish girl employed by Mrs. Perkins at Barracas, and of excellent character, came up town to visit her father and mother and give them ten dollars she had earned and saved since her arrival in the steamer Dresden. When going home after dusk she had to go along the railway for a short distance and fell, fracturing her skull. Two Japanesse sailors who ere passing saw the accident and rushed to help her; they were about to look for water for her when the police came up and arrested them for assaulting her, and then her, for being drunk!! They look her to the guardship, where the poor girl died, and was buried in her clothes, except her stays and boots, by which the broken hearted mother knew that the victim of this outrage on humanity was her daughter. But for the exertions of Messrs Reid, Bridger, Patterson, Andrews and Bennet, the particulars of this inhuman case would probably never have come to light, and these gentlemen deserve public thanks

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