I'am a Dresden descendant, via my grandfather, John Treacy, whose parents met in Argentina after taking the journey with THEIR parents. Now, I have something special to share. I'm attaching a photo of my Great-uncle, Gerald Treacy, taken sometime in the 1980s. Gerald was born in 1918 and he will be 94 in May 2009. He is my grandfather's brother, the last of 22 cousins born to Patrick & his wife, Kate & Johanna Treacy & her husband, Jose Peña (from Spain or the Canary Islands). Gerald is in a senior residence in Washington state, but he still looks the same, only older. As far as he knows, his paternal grandfather never left Argentina and died there. Patrick came to the USA in 1903, 6 weeks after my grandfather was born in Ireland. (His older sister was born in Argentina). Johanna & Jose came to the USA in March, 1912...almost 100 yrs. ago!
Patrick Treacy's Wedding record: Feb. 8, 1901. His profession is listed as "mecanico" (maquinista). Married by Father Jules, Passionist, at Holy Cross Church, Buenos Aires. It also says," Domiciliado en la calle Balcane 1214 or 7" -I can't make out which it is, 4 or 7.
Actual view of Balcarce 1217
Buenos Aires |
His bride's address is the same. However, according to family legend, they were married 3 times---once in a Spanish civil ceremony, once in Church & once in English. His wife's name is given as Kate Walshe/Walsh Broughlett. The sponsors were M. Carmody & Elisa Cleary.
Patrick married Kate, another Dresden passenger. On the passenger list, her family are numbered 1221, 1222, 1223 & 1224. The family name is Walsh: Patrick, Catherine(nee Mills), son Patrick, & daughter Catherine/Kate. The Walshes were from Tullamore, in County Offaly. The Traceys/Treacys were from Pallasgrean in Co. Limerick.
Their first child, Kathleen, was born in Dec. 1901, in Buenos Aires. At some point, they decided to come to the US. Since it was easier to get here from Ireland, they went back there & my grandfather was born there in Sept., 1903. They came to the US six weeks later & the rest of their 12 children were born here, the last in 1924, when my great-grandmother was 48(!).
Their daughter, Kathleen, was born Dec. 4, 1901 at Calle Alavarez Nuñez esq. Presidente, Buenos Aires.
They left Argentina on May 16, 1903, for Ireland. My grandfather was born there on Sept. 12, 1903 & they arrived at Ellis Island/NYC on Oct. 22, 1903.
My great-uncle Gerald, their son, b.1918, recorded that his father's brother, Thomas Treacy, died in Argentina in the 1930s. Patrick died in 1940 in Roselle Park, NJ & Gerald remembers how upset his father was when the letter came.
His sister, Johanna, her husband, Jose Peña & their children Rosa, Juan, Maria & Patricio came from Buenos Aires on the Voltaire on March 7, 1912. Johanna is listed as Juana de Treacy Pena. She & Jose are listed as being 31 & 32, respectively, but again the ages are fuzzy. Their children were 3, 11, 9 & 7, respectively. Patrick Treacy records that he & his family moved to Camden Street in Roselle Park from Elizabeth on March 27, 1912, so the arrival of the Peñas may have had something to do w/ the move.
Kate Treacy, b. 1871(I think--haven't found this record yet) married Edward/Edmund Murphy in Argentina.
This Ed Murphy worked on a ranch in Argentina. They had 2 daughters. Nora Murphy was born in Buenos Aires & later married a Charlie Perkins & had a son Billy Perkins. They ended up back in Ireland. They also had a daughter Margaret, who married a man named Leahy. Their son, Eamonn Leahy, who corresponded w/ my uncle Gerald, says that Ed. & Kate went back to Ireland & lived first in a tenement in Limerick city, then moved to a small house on Roseboro Rd. in Tipperary town on the Limerick road. They were very poor. According to Eamonn, most of them died young (30s-50s), so he knew little about them.
I hope this is helpful in pinning down the Treacy connection for you! We are also some kind of cousin to Sean Treacy, of the 3rd Tipperary Brigade of the Irish Republican Army. Sean is discussed in a book called "Limerick's Fighting Story." He was killed in a shoot-out w/ the British in Dublin in 1921 or 1922. He was only about 23-24. The Irish list him as a brave patriot, but the British police website calls him a "terrorist". There is a statue of him in Tipperary. A football club is named after him.
Linda Koenig, New Jersey,
Juan Pablo, I am writing this email on behalf of my Grandfather, Gerald Treacy.
He no longer has an email account, but thought that we could
communicate through mine. He has expressed interest in seeing any photos
of your Dresden project. I do not speak Spanish but he is going to
spell something out for me that he wishes to convey: "Hastas luego, mi corazon!" He also would like to say "Hello" to you and the family. Thank you
Gerald Treacy and Granddaughter Patricia, New Jersey, USA.
24 de Junio de 2012: Hola, otra vez!
I am so happy to hear from you! Yes, print the picture, by all means. I have been trying to let you know that my dear
great-uncle, Gerald, se murio el 28 de marzo 2012. He was the last of
the 22 children produced by Patrick & Kate Walsh treacy (12) & Jose & Johanna Treacy Peña.
SS Dresden Records
TRACEY, KATE, (40), Married, SERVANT
Records from the 1895 Argentine Census
In the Census I found four members of this family. John (father), Patrick and Thomas living in the same place with Miguel Ahern (16 y/0). Mr. John figures as widow with 53 y/o and working as "labourer" (peón). Patrick figure as single and working as "boilermaker" (calderero) and Thomas working as "sailor" (marinero).
Miguel Ahern (I have to check) but it may be related with other immigrant family from the SS Dresden (Michael 9 y/o, son of Michael and Catherine Ahern)
Linda Koenig's insert: "I just reviewed the census list you sent me & I'd be willing to bet the Eduardo Murphy listed at line 11 & the Catalina Murphy listed at line 12 are the Edward/Edmund Murphy & the Kate Tracey/Treacy Murphy of whom I've just written...the parents of Nora Murphy Perkins & Margaret Murphy Leahy, Eamonn Leahy's mother...Linda Koenig"
Then, there is another record in the Census where figures Johanna Treacy. She is 13 y/o and was living in the house of Mr. Carlos Reynolds and his family. She figure as "servant" (mucama), catholic and motherless. This last detail it is coincident with the marital status of John in the above record, so Mrs Kate Treacy died between 1889 and 1895.
Census 1895 - Reynolds Family with Johanna (13 y/o) as servant |
Original Pictures from the family
TranscriptionDear Son Pat I am sending you mine and
Jose photo when you receive aum rite
by return.
Answering this please.
Send us yours photos
hoping we shall meete again
Love to all your father and Jose.
Dear brother Iam sending ye ours photos
hoping you will get them all right you tan su our
faces once more not in reality but in picture but I am
sure and trust in god we shall meete much other again
answer when you get this and send us yours photos
Love to ye all
Your sister Johanna and Jose
John and Johana Treacy with José Peña (circa 1900)
John Treacy - Born 1831 in Nicker, Ireland. Father of Johanna and Patrick (1865 - 1949) |
José Peña, Johanna Peña and kids |
If you want to contact the descendants please e-mail here